The State of Kuwait represented by the Ministry of Interior is presenting an e-Visa issuing service. Visitors to Kuwait may issue a visiting e-Visa using this site :
→ https://evisa.moi.gov.kw
The following nationalities are allowed to use the e-Visa system :
The following nationalities are allowed to use the e-Visa system :
1.Andorra 2.Australia 3.Austria 4.Belgium 5.Bhutan 6.Brunei 7.Bulgaria 8.Cambodia 9.Canada 10.Croatia 11.Cyprus 12.Czech 13.Denmark 14.Estonia 15.Finland 16.France 17.Georgia 18.Germany 19.Greece 20.Hungary 21.Iceland 22.Ireland 23.Italy 24.Japan 25.Laos 26.Latvia 27.Liechtenstein |
28.Lithuania 29.Luxembourg 30.Malaysia 31.Malta 32.Monaco 33.Netherlands 34.New Zealand 35.Norway 36.Poland 37.Portugal 38.Romania 39.San Marino 40.Serbia 41.Singapore 42.Slovakia 43.Slovenia 44.South Korea 45.Spain 46.Sweden 47.Switzerland 48.China-Hongkong 49.Turkey 50.Ukraine 51.United kingdom 52.United states 53.Vatican |
For nationals of countries not mentioned in the list, Please visit the website directly for details or updates.